Generative AI and Life Sciences: New Language Solutions

How GenAI enhances language solutions for Life Sciences — and presents new opportunities.

Our Life Sciences and AI Experts Share GenAI’s Current and Future Impact on Life Sciences

Discover how AI technology could help your organization engage patients and reach new markets faster.

Watch our webinar to learn how GenAI is impacting language solutions in Life Sciences. AI is already transforming initiatives across research, patient communications, drug discovery, and genomics, as well as patient care, diagnosis, and treatment. In this webinar, we cover how AI can assist with various language services, including multilingual content generation, translation, and more, to help build bridges to a healthier world.

During this 60-minute webinar, you’ll learn:

  • Current language support use cases across Life Sciences.
  • How GenAI might be used in the future to reach patients and conduct clinical research more efficiently.
  • AI’s limitations in this safety-driven industry, and why human experts will always be necessary in processes with AI.
  • Potential multilingual use cases to consider for your own organization — now and in the future.
  • The answers to participants' questions.

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Meet the Speakers

Paraic O’Donnell

Paraic is Lionbridge’s Director of Technical Solutions and go to market Life Sciences propositions. An industry veteran, he has over two decades of experience in language and technology services. Paraic was trained in computational linguistics. He is keenly interested in life sciences and helping enable positive patient outcomes. Paraic brings deep subject matter expertise to his role and helps customers solve their business challenges.

Vincent Henderson

Vincent Henderson leads the product and development teams at Lionbridge. He focuses on ways to use technology and AI to analyze, evaluate, process, and generate global content. He is especially attentive to the disruption of content products and services brought about by Large Language Models.

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