Lionbridge’s Translation APIs

Connect your content to a community of expert translators, gain access to language AI, and easily access the universe of localization services from one of the largest translation companies

Why Lionbridge?

Language is one of the most important aspects of customer experience. Lionbridge has built a set of tools to make it easy for developers and product managers to add translation as a feature of their app but also to ensure that their software products are easy to localize.

Any Language

Lionbridge’s APIs support hundreds of languages and can be combined into thousands of language pairs.

Any Content Type

Lionbridge’s APIs work on text, video, and graphic content. They support all major text file formats, including MS Office. Use our APIs to transform your content’s language, format, and modality and experience unparalleled translation flexibility.

Real-time Translation

Lionbridge’s APIs are fast and ensure short turnaround times. The Smart MT™ API also supports real-time translation.

AI-powered Localization Workflow

The Lionbridge Language Cloud™ localization platform uses machine learning to automatically determine the ideal content journey and assign the right translator for the job.

Lionbridge's Translation APIs

Choose the best API for your use case.

Language Cloud API

Connect your working environment to the Lionbridge Language Cloud and process your content in bulk.

This gives you access to a wide range of customizable localization and translation services without the need for inflexible, expensive integrations from third-party systems.

Smart MT API

Add real-time machine translation to any workflow where speed is of the essence.

Customer communications should be immediate, no matter which language your customers speak. The Smart MT API allows you to integrate with our Smart MT solution from any customer success or support system — and receive real-time translations.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you don’t see an answer to your question below, please get in touch.

Machines are the Future of Translation

Embracing connectivity will future-proof your localization process.

It’s easy to fall into the trap of “humans vs machines” when talking about translation. But it doesn’t have to be this way. In fact, automation can be a powerful tool in the localization life cycle. Its benefits can revolutionize the way your translation team works by:

  • Turning your tech stack from a series of silos into a single, connected system
  • Creating an automated workflow that can operate at any scale
  • Improving system interoperability and making your operations truly scalable

Lionbridge’s leaders are driving the conversation around automation, Machine Translation, and how technology will shape the future of localization. Discover their vision for the future in this article, originally published in

Contact Us

For further assistance with Lionbridge’s tech stack, email our support team at