Meet the Pride Worldwide: Allie Fritz

Director of Operations for Over-The-Phone Interpretations (OPI) Division

Name: Allie Fritz

Allie Fritz
Allie Fritz

Hometown/Lionbridge Office:

I live in Columbus, Ohio, USA, where I work from home. I moved here about 6 years ago from the former Washington, DC office, the hub of the Interpretations team. Although the physical office doesn’t exist anymore, I still love my DC colleagues and everyone that has joined our “virtual office” from around the world!

Job Title:

Director of Operations for the Over-the-Phone Interpretations (OPI) division

How long have you been at Lionbridge?

9 years. I started as a recruiter and have moved up through the Community Management team, most recently overseeing interpreter recruitment, personnel security, and quality assurance.

What does a typical work day look like for you?

I’m just transitioning into the Director of Operations role now, so I’m having lots of meetings with my new teams. I love to learn about the pieces of the business in which I haven’t been directly involved before. I’ll be spending most of my time working closely with the team leaders for our Community Management, Program Management, and Operations groups, who support our OPI clients. Our business is growing by leaps and bounds, so we are focused on creating a great on-boarding experience for new clients, making sure our technology platforms are supporting customer needs, and recruiting lots of new interpreter talent.

What is your favorite place in your office?

Well, my office is pretty much just my desk, but on my desk my favorite thing is my ever-present cup of coffee.

What is the best part of your job?

Getting positive feedback from our clients about the LEP (Limited English Proficiency speaker) experience. I love the interpretation business because the impact we have on LEPs’ lives is so immediate. Lionbridge provides real-time interpretation service for everything from billing questions for electricity providers to immigration court cases for US federal government agencies. Knowing that we make it possible for people to access the services they need keeps me motivated.

What is the most exciting opportunity on the horizon for your team this year?

We have a lot of new clients coming on board this year, and I’m excited about all of them! I’m especially glad we are working with a new client in the veterinary field—we Lions love our pets!

Fill in the blanks:

I speak 2.5 languages (list them!)

English and French, and enough Spanish to understand if not communicate back.

My favorite local saying is ______, [and it means ______, if not English].

In my family we always say, “Do what’s right for you.” You have to follow your heart.

A tourist visiting my city shouldn’t miss…

The Ohio State University football program is one of the best in the country. The stadium is bigger than most professional ones! But if you’re not a sports fan, we also have really great ice cream here. Get yourself some Jeni’s!

The Ohio State University football program

My coworkers would say my weirdest habit is...

Probably forcing people to play silly icebreaker games over the phone in our team meetings. I love learning weird things about my colleagues!

Outside of work, I always make time for...

My two kids, a good book, and my Nintendo Switch.

The best piece of career advice I’ve ever received is...

Don’t be afraid to fail. It’s hard to implement, but seeing the big picture and taking risks to try to reach new heights is the best way forward.

My hidden talent is…

An extensive knowledge of Harry Potter trivia.

University of North Carolina basketball makes me roar.

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